I am from Miami so it was easy. Shipping was $500. the company that I used was quite expensive, but handled everything for me. I have another company that has helped me ship things to Costa Rica. IRM S.A and his name is Dennis Campos ; email address is
irmsacr@racsa.co.cr . If you want the phone number email me.
Casinoseuropa@yahoo.com. You are able to have the car here for three months as a tourist before you must pay the taxes. You can leave the country for three days and leave the car in customs (again) and pay for the three days of parking, and wait another three months to pay the taxes. It was a while back but I think you still can a car here for a nickel. Aduanas is really not that much of a pain. Just get ready to pay fro the car a second time. I paid $3500 in Miami, $500 for shipping $1500 for insurance and $3000 for taxes here. It was still cheaper than buying the same car here and the car that I brought was fully loaded, great stereo system, and was in better condition (because of the raods) than the same car here. It was there for 2 days If I remeber corrcetly. And they charged me like $50 for storage.